Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WOOOO HOOOOO! Day 60 of the 60/60!!!!

Can't believe it. It's day 60 of our 60/60 challenge! Wow - what a great time it's been. Doing this really has shaped the way I think and engage with God. I hope it's done the same for you.

Obviously we don't want it to stop. The idea is that we would do it for so long that it would become part of our lives. I hope it has for you. The whole idea of this challenge can be summed up from the book of James: Come near to God and He will come near to you. ~ James 4:8

Please leave a comment below with brief summary of how the 60/60 challenge has impacted your life. I can't wait to read them. PE


  1. For me the overall impact would probably be summed up like this: No matter what the situation, where the place, who was around or not, why I bothered to keep resetting the alarm, or how I look at it, God does love me. It was proven with my grandchild with the near miss of a tragic fall in the store, reassured with events in day to day life, one day while weeding I realized how that simple act can be a parallel to God removing the "weeds" that hinder my growth,and doing laundry I thought about how the verse in Isaiah says when we are washed by God we are whiter than snow and I smiled. I do not want this to be the end, much like the feeling many of us felt during 24x7. I want to KNOW you, I want to feel YOUR touch, I want to hear YOUR voice, I want to see YOUR face. I love that song, we used to sing it often, it summarizes this walk for the past 60 days with me......... Jackie A

  2. The challenge started w/me fresh out of the ER - missing church, but the challenge was passed on to me and I except it. It has been like the Lord is re-teaching me things I used to know and cherish; yet somehow they got lost in the craziness of my life. It's like He just picked me up again and set my feet back on the path - HIS PATH. I am awed and amazed once more at HIS daily blessings. The little "I LOVE YOU"s that HE sends to me that mean something only to me. "ding ding ding" - see, I told you. My alarm just went off. Gotta go, need to talk to PaPa.

  3. As I sit here I am surrounded by the shoe boxes we are sending to soldiers in Iraq. It's always bigger than me, there's always more to it than I can see, there's always the next step, there's always someone else to think about, it's always about God knowing better and realizing my true purpose. More of Him, less of me.

  4. It's now 9.1 Day ??? Don't care what Day # it is. I keep resetting my alarm, but now it's kind of funny because I'm talking with HIM all the time. The alarm going off is now a joke between the Lord and I; and a gentle reminder that I needed it to give me the jump start my dying heart was desperate for. Constant conversation with God (note I did not say monologue) This is so correcting, encouraging, peaceful!
