Wednesday, July 15, 2009

60/60 - July 15

You might have noticed that I like quotes. Found this one the other day and it seems to fit well with what we're doing with the 60/60.

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength, but through persistence."

Persistence. Perseverance. Determination.

Whatever you're up against today, keep going. Keep pursuing Christ and pursing transformation. Remember, there are no losers, no failures, except for those who quit!

1 comment:

  1. I too like a lot of great quotes, and last year was able to attend a seminar in which this quote has remained in my mind, 'only dead fish swim with the current'
    I don't wanna be a dead fish and just live hunkie dorie with the status quo, I want to be known for living outside of the box and making an impact !!! 60/60 keeps me aware of actually doing just that.
