Today is 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing and I just caught a bit of a live news conference with 7 of the Apollo astronauts. It was incredibly inspiring. A few of things really stood out.
All of these guys were in their mid to later 70's.
All of them were more incredibly passionate about the space program.
Many spoke very bluntly and not at all politically correct because their passion and experience trumped any concern for others not liking what they said.
All of them risked their lives for what they truly believed in and would do it again today in a heartbeat.
Absolutely inspiring. They were focused on exploring the unknown in space. May we be as focused on the One who created it all...the One who hung the stars, the moon, and Mars.
Maybe we all need a trip into space to be awed by what God created. Then it would leave no doubt in our minds about Him. Maybe it would actually inspire us to live like Christ makes a difference in our lives and deserves all our worship. Somehow I can't imagine an astronaut going into space, seeing the wonder of it all, and saying, "Wow, now I'm SURE there's no God." Just a hunch though.