Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7 - 60/60

So last night I was mowing the grass at the church and picked up a soda can in the grass without realizing it was filled with bees. Two of them stung me and I can only imagine what it looked like if people saw me running and swatting everywhere (one flew up my shorts...enough said there). It must have been quite a sight! I would have loved to have seen it myself!

It's amazing how quickly these little bees can get our attention and immediately change whatever we're doing. Comparing that with how difficult it seems to be sometimes for God, the Creator of heaven and earth, to get our attention. Maybe sometimes that's why a little pain is good for us - it grabs our attention.

I'm not wishing any bee stings on you today, but I am hoping that we'll intentionally turn our attention toward the Creator throughout our day today.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Eric,

    I can relate to your bee story. You see
    a few years ago while gardening I disrupted
    a nest of bees. About 100 came after me and I
    received 20 stings. I called my doctor
    and she told me to go immediately to the
    emergency room due to my medical history.She even called to tell them to be ready for me. You know it can be deadly and it can happen very quickly. When I arrived my oxygen saturation was 100%.I had no ill effects either. But, what they didn't know was that I have my own personal physician 24/7. His name is Jesus Christ. He is awesome!

    Monica Anderson
