Wednesday, June 17, 2009

60/60 June 17th - Dangerous temptation

After you've done the 60/60 for a few days there are a few dangerous temptations. One is to fall into just the routine and reset the timer without connecting with God. Another is to say a short prayer without really connecting. I've found that one of the foundational elements I sometimes need to remind myself of is one we went over on Sunday. Sometimes I need to fan the flame of my desire to become like Jesus. The world around us distracts us and tempts us with the desire to want to become a lot of things, but only becoming like Christ matters both now and for eternity.

Fan the flame. Every hour. Jesus I want to be more like you.


  1. This is so interesting. Can't help wondering where I'll be in 60 days! Anticipating goodness. Expect the next 2 months to be just the beginning. Gail G.

  2. so, i decided to use a 'sonar' sound on my alarm...i am reminded each time it goes off that he is constantly sending out communication in my is just about me taking time to put up my radar and receive the communication...pc

  3. Great thoughts. I can't wait to see where we'll be in 60 days too Gail! So true Craig, He's constantly sending out communication in our direction. Tuning up our radar...

  4. Thanks for the reminder Pastor Eric! It has been true, so many things have been distracting me, especially this week, I need Jesus to fan the flame!!

  5. I started out really good, yesterday wasn't as good, but we don't have any sort of timers to use, we actually are going to buy a stop watch from walmart, because this means that much to us!! God has been showing us things in the Bible through the 60/60 and it's awesome! My testimony so far is that I used to live in fear. That is my biggest struggle in life. For the past few weeks I haven't because we've been growing so much in the Lord and I keep hearing that verse, "God has not give me the spirit of fear..." Well, after watching an action suspense on Monday night, the spirit of fear and weariness was on me. I started telling Dave how I usually tell myself that verse and I never get to this point. Then we were going to read the Bible and the verse Romans 8:16 popped in my head. I have no clue what this is. I decided to read it, and go back one verse. Low and behold verse 15 says, "For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."" Not only was God telling me not to fear, but he gave me a verse that was even better than the one I'd been reciting for weeks. Because, my exact problem was slavery to fear! God is so good and I love how He sends us little reminders of His love and faithfulness! I could never doubt the realness of God because of these times!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing your story Cheryl - it's awesome! What an incredible verse the Holy Spirit brought to your mind! Can't wait to see what else God does!

  7. Cheryl's story is so exciting! Makes me think of the saying--you never know until you walk a mile in their shoes--when we are dealing with something like fear, or anything else that rises up against us to keep us from freedom, we usually don't realize how many people also struggle with the same thing. So here's a 'You go Cheryl!' for being brave and open and allowing God to change the fear in your life for His freedom! You will be an inspiration to others!

  8. I have been getting pummeled relentlessly so far since beginning the 60/60 challenge ! As Dave says, distractions come at me, unexpected things from years ago to present day obstacles all screaming, "What are you gonna do with this issue?" and then the timer goes off and I have to remember NOT to just reset it, but stop and reflect. Also started reading 'Wild Goose Chase' and the challenge continues............I'm with Gail let's see what 60 days will do !!
