Thursday, June 18, 2009

60/60 - June 18th

Frank Laubach lived in the 1930's and was one of the foremost proponents of seeking to fill every minute of his day with thoughts turned towards God. I will quote from his letters that were compiled in a book called "Letters by a Modern Mystic" pretty often in during the 60/60 CHALLENGE. Here's a thought of hope for us on a rainy day in June:

"To be able to look backward and say, 'This has been the finest year of my life' - that is glorious. But anticipation! To be able to look ahead and say, 'The present year can and shall be better!' - that is more glorious!"

Let's make the next season of our lives the best so far. Make it your goal to be closer to Christ than you've ever been before. Come on, what can stop you?

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