Monday, June 15, 2009

Now that everyone knows I'm doing this...

It was kind of interesting when I started the 60/60 early last week and didn't tell anyone about it. I just got to sort of ease into it, seeing the little changes and things myself. Now that my whole family knows, especially my children, it's kind of different. It's like I have this built-in accountability group! It's a good thing and it keeps me on track because I know my kids are watching me closely.

I hope you have an awesome day with the 60/60 challenge! Praying that our School's Out event goes well and that we demonstrate Christ's love in an attractive way.

How is your challenge going?


  1. So far this challenge has made me realize one thing....time flies! It seems like I just prayed and it was time to do it again. I'm excited about the 60/60 challenge because there are times where I am so into what I am doing that I do forget about talking to God. I will definitely keep the School's Out event in my prayers today.

  2. School's Out Party today and while I'm facepainting every hour that my phone alerted me I got to say a prayer over the child sitting there while I painted away on 'em and they didn't even know it!
    Yes, my hand works well enough to type now--there were so many kids!

  3. So true Dave, time flies! Thanks for keeping the school's out event in your prayers - God was so gracious to us - it was a great day!
